User Content & Conduct Policy
This policy explaines how we expect users to act and behave when using our website. This includes user contributions like comments, as well as general usage and browsing behaviour.
We try to unsure that at all times users have a positive experience with our website. Whist our system does detect breaches to this policy, we also depend upon users to inform us of misconduct on our website.
Harassment, Threats and Bullying
Do not engage in, or entice others to engage in harassing, bullying or threatening behavior. Online harassment is illegal in most places and can have serious consequences for the victim and harasses.
Malicious Practices
Do not transmit malicious or destructive code via our system. This includes, but not limited to, viruses, malware or any code that interferes with the operation of our server or network.
Do not use our system for phishing scams.
Illegal Activities
You can NOT use our service to engage in or to promote any illegal activities.
Personal and Confidential Information
Do not distribute an other persons personal and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, confidential ID numbers, or passwords, without their permission.
Do NOT upload or create content that is copyright, where you do not have persission to do so.
Do not use our site to mislead others by pretending to be someone you are not.